Simple and Clever

Cost-effectively Sealing of Precast Wall Elements

 Since the foundation in 1934, the Göhl company is a reliable partner in the construction industry. Being specialized in the fields of structural and civil engineering, concrete technology, masonry technology and turnkey construction, they offer their customers both convincing and innovative solutions to their problems.

One of these solutions is to build pressurized water-impermeable joints between precast wall elements using the innovative sealing tape RubberElast® of B.T. innovation. If to build pressurized water-impermeable cross joints between precast components meant so far a great effort associated with the risk of cracking when the sensitive joint is subject to mechanical stress, RubberElast now allows to make full use of the potential of modern precast building construction. The reason: RubberElast is mounted by simply pressing onto the joint of a concrete component and owing to the contact pressure...

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