For demanding joint sealing: InnoElast Type 2

The InnoElast systems from B.T. innovation GmbH are single-component sealants for universal and varied use inside and outside. Here, the sealant InnoElast Type 2  convinces with its superior application and adhesive properties. It can, for example, be applied quickly and easily without use of a primer / first coat on the most diverse substrates such as wood, concrete, natural stone, metal and aluminum. The range of application of this reliable sealant comprises jointing movement and connection joints in building and underground construction. InnoElast Type 2 is already CE marked as sealing material in accordance with DIN EN 15651-1 for small areas of these applications for exterior and interior façades.

The most distinguishing feature of the sealing material InnoElast Type 2 is that building components and buildings can be permanently sealed against in-situ, standing water of up to 4.8 m, as guaranteed by the General Construction Supervision Test Report P 1202/106/17 MPA-BS. This proven and tested strength moreover enables the joint sealing material to provide durable and clean sealing of newbuilds and repairs in sewer and underground construction. The sealant is superbly suited as professional solution for joints exposed to chemicals.


InnoElast Type 2 in practice

The precast concrete grandstand elements were sealed for the newbuild soccer stadium in Schaffhausen in Germany, located above Lipo Park (Fig. 2). For this project, a durably elastic sealant was needed to protect the shopping center below from moisture and to counteract mechanical damage. After hardening, an elastic and rubber-like material resulted, through which high durability was achieved. High temperature and humidity accelerated the hardening process.


Use in garden and landscape construction

InnoElast Type 2 can also be used in garden and landscape construction. For construction of a retaining wall composed of concrete angle supports, the wall shown in Figure 3 had to be permanently sealed. The root-networked ground was not to be allowed to desiccate, nor water permitted to reach the road. In addition, the rear side of the angle supports were subsequently filled up with topsoil. Vertical joints of 4 m length and 4 cm width between the angle supports had to be backfilled. Furthermore, the vertical joints of up to 4 cm width were able to be filled without the sealant subsequently flowing out of the joints again. Owing to the high stability of the InnoElast Type 2 sealing material, it was possible to attractively point the joints and to permanently seal them.


Measures for flood protection

The combination of the joint sealing material InnoElast with the BT turnbuckle, which serves as connecting element between precast elements, moreover enables permanent sealing in flood protection. In Klein Schierstedt in Germany, the municipality decided to extend the newly built dike with flood protection of precast components, to prevent flooding within the area of the Elbe River tributary. Here, the precast components were connected to each other with the BT turnbuckle and subsequently sealed with InnoElast Type 2 of gray color shade. Decisive here for utilizing the products from BT innovation was prefabrication independent of the weather, fast installation of up to 50 m per day and the possibilities of visual design.


A reliable sealant against penetrating damp

InnoElast Type 2 is a single-component sealant for versatile use that is impressive with its high loadbearing capacity and durable elasticity and that is also resistant to chemical substances.

    With it, joints can be sealed against standing water. InnoElast Type 2 is free of solvents and isocyanates and can be used on moist surfaces and in cold weather without primer.

B.T. innovation GmbH
Sudenburger Wuhne 60
39116 Magdeburg/Germany
+49 391 7352-0

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