5,000 m³ of climate concrete realized using negative-emission-technology

CarStorCon Technologies has realized 5,000 m³ of climate concrete, impressively demonstrating that active climate protection and pioneering material innovation are already a reality.

By combining raw material savings and an active carbon sink, it was not only possible to save 72 tons of CO₂, but also to permanently remove 450 tons of existing CO₂ from the atmosphere and bind it. BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal) is one of the most promising negative emission technologies, as it is technologically mature and can already be used today. CarStorCon uses this technology in the construction industry and is thus helping the sector to achieve its climate protection goals. With carbon-storing materials, the construction industry can become an important player in the fight against climate change.

The technology: To reduce the carbon footprint of concrete, CarStorCon Technologies has developed the additive Clim@Add, which turns building materials into active carbon sinks and can also significantly reduce the cement content in concretes. The additive is based on technical carbon, which is produced during the thermochemical conversion of woody waste streams. Instead of releasing CO2 into the atmosphere, it is permanently bound in the concrete. Certificates are issued for the CO2 removed from the atmosphere. The climate concrete from CarStorCon Technologies thus becomes a sustainable and climate-friendly building material with enormous potential, which can even outperform a corresponding reference concrete in terms of its properties.

Large number of projects

The projects: The projects implemented with private and public sponsors include detached houses, office buildings, factory buildings, technical buildings and prefabricated parts. In principle, any type of concrete can be realized and no special process is required for placement. CarStorCon Technologies works with local partners and adapts the solutions to local requirements, thus creating local value chains and reducing further emissions.

„In CarStorCon, we have found a partner who is advancing our vision of climate-neutral buildings, on site with us,“ says Dominik Dunst, Managing Director of Sonnenerde GmbH. „We used climate concrete for our new production hall in Riedlingsdorf because we want to think climate protection holistically beyond our products.“

The technology from CarStorCon Technologies opens up new perspectives for environmentally conscious construction and paves the way for a sustainable future in the construction industry. The company is proud to contribute to tackling the climate crisis and making the construction industry a driving force in the fight for environmental protection.

„Through our realized projects, we have shown the way for a more sustainable construction industry and demonstrated that active climate protection and material innovation can go hand in hand,“ says Axel Preuß, founder and Managing Director of CarStorCon Technologies. „Our climate concrete is an important step towards reducing the CO2 footprint of the construction industry and making a positive contribution to climate protection.“

The key messages:

Clim@Add turns concrete into a carbon sink: building materials are used as carbon sinks, significantly minimizing their CO2 footprint.

Biochar Carbon Removal is recognized as a negative emissions technology and enables the trading of CO2 certificates.

Resource-intensive primary raw materials can be replaced through local value creation.

Clim@Add can be used to adapt material properties.

In accordance with the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act, the solution represents a higher-value utilization stage compared to incineration.

Other products resulting from the manufacturing process, such as electricity and heat, are used as CO2-neutral energies.

The products are certified according to the EBC standards (European Biochar Certificate). The certification details are listed at

The material is CE-certified for use in reinforced and unreinforced concrete.


CarStorCon Technologies GmbH

Rosenstraße 13

26529 Marienhafe/Germany

+49 4934 3408290


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