Production of pre-stressed concrete structures using fibrous reinforcing tendons

(10) WO 2018/071457 Al

(22) 10.10.2017

(43) 19.04.2018

(57) A pre-stressed cast concrete structure (410) comprises embedded fibrous reinforcing tendons (118) in tension. The fibrous reinforcing tendons (118) each comprises a plurality of continuous non-metallic fibers extending substantially the entire length of the tendon (118). A system (100) for pre-stressing a cast concrete structure (410) includes a mold (112) for containing concrete, fibrous reinforcing tendons (118), chuck assemblies (200) associated with the reinforcing tendons (118) and a tensioning mechanism (110). When cured, the concrete rigidly surrounds the reinforcing tendons (118) such that the reinforcing tendons (118) are maintained in tension. The chuck assemblies (200) have a plurality of jaws (216a-216c) that contact the reinforcing tendons (118) in a manner to resist damage to the fibers.

(71) ROCKWERK SYSTEMS, INC.; 1155 South Washington Street, Naperville, Illinois 60540 (US).

(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ


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