Method for 3D printing insulated concrete wall body, and concrete wall body
(10) WO 2021/164792 Al
(22) 24.03.2021
(43) 26.08.2021
(57) Provided are a method for 3D printing an insulated concrete wall body, and a concrete wall body, relating to the technical field of buildings, and used for solving the technical problem that construction processes for attaching insulation boards are cumbersome and not high-quality. The method for 3D printing an insulated concrete wall body uses a 3D printing device to directly form a concrete wall body in which an insulation body is packaged, and can therefore reduce multiple processes such as attaching insulation boards. In addition, since the insulation body ...
(84) ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), PX.A. (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), 1I. A1 (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK. EE, ES, FT, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT.