The correct call for tenders, manufacture and protection of fair-faced concrete and architectural concrete
In the past few years, the requirements related to fair-faced concrete and architectural concrete “seem” to have increased considerably in precast concrete construction. But is that true? It can be noticed anyway that ever more authorized experts have to deal with this subject. The reason is the increasingly divergent opinion between the clients and the executing precast concrete plants regarding what the tender called for and what is therefore owed. There is a discrepancy between “what do I image and what do I get”.
The Association of German Precast Construction (Fachvereinigung Deutscher Betonfertigteilbau e.V. - FDB) revised its Codes of Practice No. 1 and 8 in 2020 so as to provide those issuing the call for tenders as well as the building contractors with clearer guidelines for the assessment of exposed surfaces in precast concrete construction.
But, how do I specify the call for tender correctly? And which approach should I follow? These questions will be answered with the aid of examples. The revised FDB Codes of Practice will be addressed in this regard, with focusing on the correct approach and application of the Codes of Practice.
Another topic is the surface protection of precast concrete elements. Which surface protection is to be applied in which case? How durable is a protection? Is a protection necessary at all? All these are frequently asked questions to which answers shall be provided in the course of the presentation. In this regard, reference will also be made to the new information sheet entitled “Oberflächenschutz, Reinigung und Pflege von Fertigteilfassaden aus Architekturbeton” (Surface protection, cleaning and maintenance of architectural precast concrete façades) published by the Association of German Precast Construction (FDB).