High quality concrete products from the Czech Republic thanks to “Perfect” ­manufacturing equipment

Located in Lužec nad Vltavou, not far from the capital city of Prague, the company Betonika Plus is part of Českomoravský Beton and Českomoravský Cement Group and occupies, according to their own estimates, a leading position on the Czech market among the national precast concrete ­component manufacturers in the area of drainage and sewage system products.

The company Betonika Plus is part of Českomoravský Beton and Českomoravský Cement Group; which in turn is a member of the Heidelberg Cement Group. According to their own estimates, out of eight Czech manufacturers of prefabricated components in the area of drainage and sewage system products, Betonika Plus ranks first in the Bohemian and Moravian markets. Other partners in addition to Českomoravský Beton a. s., Beroun, in each case holding third of the shares, are concrete plant Neu-Ulm Holding GmbH & Co. KG Sitz Stuttgart, Neu-Ulm, and Josef Schnurrer GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG, Weiden, both...

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