First Perfect manhole base production line commissioned in Scandinavia
In Hallsberg, Sweden, Meag VA-System AB set up its Perfect manhole base production line in summer 2009. Apart from the excellent product quality, the resulting improvement in the working conditions at the production facility, which had not been achieved at any other plant before, was met with great attention both within the group and beyond. At the same time, this investment enables the group to expand its product range to master the challenges of the future. As the first producer of Perfect manhole bases in Scandinavia, the company, which is a member of the Alfa Rör group, demonstrates its technological leadership in the production of precast elements for pipeline construction whilst improving the working conditions in its own production in the long term.
In Sweden, concrete manhole bases had previously been manufactured mainly from prefabricated shaft elements into which the required inlets were drilled by expensive diamond-tipped tools whilst the drain was produced manually using tamped concrete. Although this method was appropriate to prefabricate a series of standard products at a low cost, the cost per unit often increased due to subsequent adjustments to the requirements of the sewer project. In this setting, the quality of the products suffered at each additional work step, both in terms of the tightness of inlets and drains and the...