General meeting of members: more staff and life cycle assessment tool

Whether the economy is trending well or not, asking members of an industry association to support an increase in the number of staff at the association’s head office is always a daunting task because such a headcount increase will almost inevitably be associated with a rise in membership dues. This was also one of the main items on the agenda of the 2016 general meeting of the members of the German Betonverband Straße, Landschaft, Garten (SLG; Association of Concrete Producers for Roads, Landscaping and Gardens) held in Kelsterbach. Attending members thoroughly discussed the pros and cons of...

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Current LCA (life cycle assessment) data for traffic paved areas

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With the newly developed “Life Cycle Analyzer” BASF helps to improve concrete characteristics. The special software offers solutions in major concrete improvement areas like process efficiency,...
