The “distinctly different” precast element

A metal processing company recognizes and utilizes the benefits of concrete

In a factory building of MAP. Prinzing in Gingen/Fils, Wiggert & Co. GmbH installed a complete mixing plant last year. At first glance, this appears to be nothing special – yet MAP. is a supplier of machine components and guards made of steel, stainless steel and aluminum. MAP. is a provider and systems supplier to the mechanical engineering industry in general and manufactures machine bases, amongst other products. For these components, Managing Director Hans Prinzing discovered an attractive application for concrete – the Duropol® technology developed by the company.

Like many other machine-building businesses, MAP./Emil Prinzing & Söhne GmbH had originally been established as a small smithy in 1913. After the Second World War, the company had identified the potential of assembling steel and sheet metal structures. Over the years, the company has grown into a business that employs 200 people and operates production facilities on an area of 20,000 m2. The owners have always applied a basic principle, i.e. to always invest in cutting-edge manufacturing technology. MAP. thus operates state-of-the-art equipment today, including computer-controlled laser cutting centers, CNC-controlled edging presses, welding robots and double-column milling machines. This equipment is used to produce machine components weighing up to 60 t to an utmost degree of precision, as well as sophisticated machine covers, guards and housings, and comprehensive systems solutions including machine bases and covers, and switch cabinets and control panels. The machine manufacturers placing orders with the company enjoy a number of benefits arising from the relocation of additional services such as design and engineering or the preassembly of machine components and guards to MAP. Several years ago, the current Managing Director, Hans Prinzing, recognized the benefits concrete would provide if used for machine bases. A product was developed that is patent-protected under the Duropol® brand name. These cast-mineral designs marketed under this name offer an alternative material to state-of-the-art machine manufacturing that provides attractive technical and commercial benefits. For this novel application, MAP. invested in the development of the product, a new factory building, new equipment and machinery and new people.


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