BetonTage – innovations for a common future

Dear BetonTage visitors,

Our industry is facing challenges both old and new. Internationalization will not stop short of the precast sector. Yet, with our experience and expertise, we are in a good position to meet qualitative and quantitative requirements on a worldwide scale. A prime example in this regard is the first-ever BetonTage Shanghai congress co-organized by us, which demonstrated a strong global interest in German technologies. On the other hand, increasingly demanding requirements in all parts of our industry are forcing us to innovate on our home market, too, which applies to both technologies and capabilities.

The 2015 edition of the BetonTage congress provides the perfect platform for our entire industry to discuss exactly those innovations that we need to master current and future challenges. All market partners will be attending this event and joining their forces, including engineering companies and suppliers as well as architects and engineers. I would like to draw your particular attention to the extended range of practical workshops, which have become an integral part of the BetonTage in virtually no time.

On this note, I wish all of you fruitful discussions and many inspiring insights.

Yours sincerely,

Friedrich Gebhart
President of the Baden-Württemberg Association
of Concrete and Precast Plants


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