Besser DCS-270

Introducing the new Dust Collector

Besser has expanded its line of dust collectors by introducing the DCS-270 Shaker Baghouse. This model handles 550 cfm of air volume with a 2:1 air to cloth ratio. The design of the DCS-270 delivers improved performance with reduced maintenance.

Features of the 270 include a 43.5“ diameter housing with a unique center column design. The shaker mechanism utilizes a maintenance free turbine vibrator that shakes the bags in an elliptic rotation around the collector’s center column. Bags in the 270 undergo automatic cleaning cycles at pre-set time intervals based on production. ­Consistently timed cleaning cycles, controlled by pro­grammable logic circuitry, allows worry free performance, extends bag life and reduces maintenance costs. A manual timer box with push button start switch is optional.

The unit’s shell can be made of a standard...

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